Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On Friday February 13th the traildogs completed the fourth sections of the LOViT trail. Looking back our perseverance in the initial design of utilizing the old logging road, incorporating the rock bluff and keeping the trail parallel to the beautiful creek turned out to be insightful. Technically this section required a large number of water bars to properly drain the trail and prevent erosion due to the slope of the mountain and the many rocky drains that flow down across the trail and into the stream.

It was a pleasure to complete the finish work along this section due to the rugged beauty of the area. Large boulders, huge rock outcropping and steep drop offs are common of this section of trail. The old road, unlike most, has a great canopy of old and new growth trees that will keep the trail from become weedy while providing shade during the hot summer months. The creek is spring feed and offers cornucopia of sights and sounds to delight the senses while you are hiking or biking the trail. A multitude of beautiful vistas offer serene rest stops to enjoy the beauty of this steep gorge as it flows east down the south side of Hickory Nut Mountain.

My recommendation for first time or experienced hikers is to leave an extra vehicle at the east end or bottom of this section then drive to the top of Hickory Nut Mountain to the end of the picnic area and enter the trail there. Once on the new portion of the trail it is 3.6 miles to the end of this section. Hike east down the mountain for 3/10’s of a mile, cross Hickory Nut Mountain road, and then begin your descent down the south slope of the mountain. A couple of sections are a bit steep going down so watch your step. Once you reach the base of the rock bluff you will be on the level surface of the old road that is easier on the feet.

Directions for where to leave your pick-up vehicle are to take Hickory Nut Mountain Road north off US 270 for 9/10’s of a mile. Turn right onto FS 47 and go 2 .6 miles to the intersection of FS 47 and FS 47A on your left. There is a gate at this intersection with and iron post on the right side of the gate with 47A printed on it. If the gate is open go 2/10’s of mile to the low-water bridge and park just across the bridge. Follow the road to your left for about 500 feet where you will see the trail on your right. After leaving off the extra vehicle drive back to the top of the mountain and enjoy a 3.6 down hill hike.

We owe a great deal of thanks to the Forest Service professional and the many volunteers who created this beautiful section of new trail.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Watchable Wildlife Trail Update

Work on the new Watchable Wildlife Trail located just off Shangri La road is proceeding rapidly. This portion of the LOViT trail is designed to bring all users, including those physically challenged, closer to nature. This level paved trail is approximately 1 mile in length and will include an elevated portion that will allow users to access a wild wetland area located in south end the Denby Bay area of Lake Ouachita. The trail circles a large open field following along the banks of Gap Creek as it flows in to the bay. The trail then ducks beneath the towering canopy of a densely wood area that changes from woods to marsh then open water.

The paved portion is currently open for use but the 1/4 mile long elevated walkway is still under construction. When completed this walkway will include thirty-foot bridge across Gap Creek that will connect a new section the LOViT Trail that will lead around Denby Bay to connect the Denby Point Campground and Shores Resort with the LOViT Trail system.

Most of you have followed the construction of the new highway bridge that will replace the sixty-year-old bridge that crosses the Lake Ouachita at Denby Bay. Once the new bridge is completed the old bridge will be closed to traffic and will become a hiking, biking and fishing bridge as a part of the LOViT Trail. The Traildogs negotiated an agreement with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department and the US Army Corps of Engineers to transfer the bridge to the Corps as part of the Lake Ouachita Compound for use as part of the trail.

The new Watchable Wildlife trail will include a new restroom, picnic area, parking and an information Kiosk with details of the history of the Trail and the Lake. Plans are being developed to develop habitat for field and wood birds including planting seed producing grasses, wild flowers, fruit trees and native berry bearing bushes designed to generate year around forage for birds and wildlife all along the new trail.

The Traildogs and the Montgomery County Master Gardeners are planning guided interpretive hikes along this section of the trail once completed. If you would like to take a short hike on a newly paved trail take the short trip east of Mt. Ida to Shangri La Road. Go one block up Shangri La Road to the first road on your left, Old Highway 27 Rd, go two blocks and you will see the parking area and information kiosk on your left. This would be a great place to begin developing your walking skills will enjoying the areas wildlife.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Traildog Award

This week is a special week for all of the Traildogs who have dedicated themselves to the development of the Lake Ouachita Vista Trail (LOViT). We were recently notified that the Traildogs are a finalist for one of the eight annual Governor’s Awards for Tourism. Each year the Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commission hosts the Annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism at which the winner’s of the Governor’s awards are announced.
The Eight awards are:
The Natural State Award
The Tourism Special Achievement Award
The Media Support Award
The Bootstrap Award
The Arkansas Heritage Award
The Grand Old Classic Special Event Award
The Outstand Volunteer Service Award
The Community Tourism Development Award

It is an honor to be nominated for one of these awards and to be a finalist is special. The Traildogs have been nominated for the Bootstrap Award, which is presented to an individual, organization or community that has achieved significant success “on a shoestring” having limited means to work with either in resources or finances. The four finalists for this award are:
Paragould for their renovation of the historic Collins Theater
LOViT Traildogs for the development of the Lake Ouachita Vista Trail.
Texarkana for their “Sparks in the Park” light project.
The Town of Calico Rock for their downtown renovation project.

These are worthy finalist in which each has found the support and means to develop a tourist worthy project in their community. Six of the Traildogs are going to the Banquet Tuesday March 17th in Fort Smith to represent our community to accept this award should we be chosen the winner. Whether we win or not being a finalist will help bring attention the tourism opportunities in our community and hopefully new tourism dollars.

We are planning the dedication of the fourth section of the LOViT for Friday April 3rd at 1:00 pm at the top of Hickory Nut Mountain at the picnic area. We will be celebrating the new section and the completion of half or twenty miles of the planned forty miles of trail that will terminate at the Blakely Mountain Dam at the east end of Lake Ouachita. The brief ceremony will be followed by a group ride for bikers and group walk by hikers down the new 3.2-mile section. So put that date on your calendar, pull on those walking shoes and come join the fun. The trail should be dressed in its best spring colors, Hickory Creek should be bubbling with the spring rains and as always the views from the summit are breathtaking.